• 导读
  • 色诺芬的著作直到近代,他仍然具有崇高的声望。他客观地记录自己的经历,表述个人对时人时事的的看法,从这个意义上讲,他是有史以来第一个新闻记者。他文笔流畅,具有明快优美的风格。读者可从他笔下的文章感受到身临其境的感觉。

  • 内容简介
  • 此为作者的一部小作品。文本总结了斯巴达国王阿格西劳斯二世的一生。作者本人认为阿格西劳斯二世本身就是一个不可超越的典型例子,他集民事与军事美德于一身。国王本身的生活是按照编年顺序叙述的,这种写法使得此部作品成为了自传体写作的首部作品。作品的部分内容是直接从希腊版本拿来的,只是稍稍修正了一点语言。

    Agesilaus is a minor work by Xenophon.

    The text summarizes the life of Spartan king Agesilaus II, whom Xenophon valued greatly, considering him as an unsurpassed example of all the civil and military virtues. The king's life is narrated in chronological order, making Agesilaus one of the first examples of biographical writings.

    Certain parts of the work are borrowed from Hellenica, with only minor changes of the language.

  • 作者简介
  • 色诺芬(Xenophon, 约430~354BC),古希腊历史学家、作家,雅典人,苏格拉底的弟子。公元前401年参加希腊雇佣军助小居鲁士(Kurush,约前424~前401年)争夺波斯王位,未遂,次年率军而返。前396年投身斯巴达,被母邦判处终身放逐。他的著作16世纪就被译成多种欧洲文字。著有《远征记》、《希腊史》(修昔底德《伯罗尼撒战争史》之续编,叙事始于前411年,止于前362年)以及《回忆苏格拉底》等。

    Xenophon son of Gryllus, of the deme Erchia of Athens, also known as Xenophon of Athens, was a Greek historian, soldier, mercenary,and student of Socrates. While not referred to as a philosopher by his contemporaries, his status as such is now a topic of debate. He is known for writing about the history of his own times, the late 5th and early 4th centuries BC, especially for his account of the final years of the Peloponnesian War. His Hellenica, which recounts these times, is considered to be the continuation of Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War. His youthful participation in the failed campaign of Cyrus the Younger to claim the Persian throne inspired him to write his most famous work, Anabasis.

  • 目录
    • I
    • II
    • III
    • IV
    • V
    • VI
    • VII
    • VIII
    • IX
    • X
    • XI