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  • 时间有初始吗?它又将在何地终结呢?看霍金教授带你遨游外层空间。

  • 内容简介
  • “什么是时间?如果没有人问我,我知道;如果我试图解释它,我便茫然了。”为什么要以种种方式计量时间?一星期为什么是7天?分和秒是何时产生的?为什么有些历法是阴历,而有些是阳历?本书列举一系列引人入胜的事例,从古罗马和儒略·恺撒设置闰年到20世纪20年代固定的复活节的方案,溯古访今,闲话时间。

    Why do we measure time in the way that we do? Why is a week seven days long? At what point did minutes and seconds come into being? Why are some calendars lunar and some solar?

    The organization of time into hours, days, months, and years seems immutable and universal, but is actually far more artificial than most people realize. For example, the French Revolution resulted in a restructuring of the French calendar, and the Soviet Union experimented with five and then six-day weeks.Leofranc Holford-Strevens brings us this fascinating study of time using a range of examples from Ancient Rome and Julius Caesar's imposition of the Leap Year to the 1920's project for a fixed Easter. Those interested in time, history, and the development of the calendar will enjoy this absorbing exploration of an aspect of our lives that we all take for granted.

  • 作者简介
  • 莱奥弗兰克·霍尔福德-斯特雷文斯,牛津大学出版社学术顾问兼编辑,主要著作有《牛津年份津梁》(合著)、《奥卢斯·格利乌斯》,并就古典、英语和音乐学等课题发表过诸多文章。

    Leofranc Holford-Strevens is the author of Aulus Gellius (1988), and co-author of The Oxford Companion to the Year. He is Consultant Scholar-Editor at Oxford University Press.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 前言
    • 第一章 日
    • 第二章 月和年
    • 第三章 现代历法的史前史和历史
    • 第四章 复活节
    • 第五章 星期和季节
    • 第六章 其他历法
    • 第七章 年的标记
    • 附录一
    • 附录二
    • 词表