The first volume of Nature: The Living Record of Science included the classic papers published in the Nature magazine from 1869 to 1930. It contains 106 articles, which including physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and earth science. Since the publication of the Nature in 1869 to 1930, breakthrough advances have emerged in the fields of physics, biology, and other fields: Pasteur studies the pathogenic microbes that lead to the disease of the Bombyx mori; Gray invented the device to transmit notes through the current - telephone. Raymond Dart found a skull in Taung and named the species Australopithecus Africanus; Davidson and Germer found the scattering of electrons; Raman found the anomalous scattering phenomenon - the Raman effect; Dirac predicted the existence of the positron...
The natural magnificant science over hundred years is all in this volume!
Nature: The Living Record of Science (first volume) contains and translates 106 essays published by the international academic journal Nature from 1869 to 1930, which reproduces the scientific development of the 40 years from the end of nineteenth Century to the early twentieth Century, and shows that researchers in the field of physical, chemical, biological, astronomical, astronomical, geosciences and so on have been trudging hard and exploring continuously. This volume is a branch of chemistry.
The ten volume book, Nature: The Living Record of Science is the first collection of Chinese Bilingual edition of Nature, which brings together the significant articles, great discoveries and inventions in all fields of Natural Science (biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, material, basic medicine, earth science, etc.) that published on Natural magazine since the publication of the Nature since 1869. Each article is equipped with a short guide written by the senior editor of Nature magazine. The Chinese translation is checked by scientific researchers and scientists from various fields in China. Through the unique perspective of this set of papers, readers can understand how the frontiers and hot spots of science have changed over the past century, which usually reflects the broader trends in social and political life at that time.
- 氮气的密度
- 一种尚未发现的气体
- 元素的组成
- 元素周期系中的反常族
- 原子量的单位
- Density of Nitrogen
- An Undiscovered Gas
- The Constitution of the Elements
- Anomalous Groups in the Periodic System of Elements
- Unit of Atomic Weight
- 书评 写书评
- 笔记