If, as seemed likely, Lady Catherine now went straight to London to talk to her nephew, she might easily convince him of the inferiority of Elizabeth's social position. He would probably feel that his aunt's objections, which to Elizabeth appeared laughably weak, contained much common sense. In that case he might make up his mind not to marry her under any circumstances, and to keep away from Longbourn altogether. 去书内

  • 花蕊. 花蕊.

    伊丽莎白对凯瑟琳夫人的反对意见持嘲笑态度,显示了她对这种基于社会地位的偏见的不屑。外甥可能会因为姨妈的影响而改变对伊丽莎白的看法,这可能表明他对姨妈的尊重或对伊丽莎白的感情不够坚定。 这段文字探讨了社会地位对婚姻选择的影响,以及家族成员如何通过社会地位来影响个人的婚姻决定。凯瑟琳夫人的偏见可能会对她外甥的决定产生重大影响,这反映了个人选择如何受到他人观点的影响。

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