粮仓充实了,人们才会懂得礼节。出自《管子·牧民》:“仓廪实则知礼节,衣食足则知荣辱。”“仓廪”是古代储藏米谷的地方或设施。“仓廪实”“衣食足”指粮食储备充足,民众不愁吃穿,代指人们生产、生活所需的物质条件非常充足,即物质文明发展到一定阶段;“礼节”“荣辱”指社会的礼仪规矩和内心的道德准则,包括了制度文明和精神文明。这句话揭示了物质文明和制度文明、精神文明之间的关系:物质文明是制度文明和精神文明产生的基础和条件,制度文明和精神文明是物质文明发展到一定阶段的产物。如果民众的基本生活条件都得不到保障,即使有良好的制度也难为人们所遵循,人们的精神品格也不可能得到提升。在任何时候,物质文明建设都应当成为治国理政的基本要务。这是一种非常务实的治国理念。 The full quote from Guanzi reads: "When the granaries are full, the people follow appropriate rules of conduct, and when there is enough to eat and wear, the people know honor and shame." Here "granaries" and "eat and wear" mean the material conditions of life, while "rules of conduct" and "honor and shame" represent the social and moral principles of a society, as well as the systems and spiritual culture that underpin it. The quote highlights the relationship between material life and morality, i.e., the former is the basis for the latter, and that morality and social