也称“万里长城”。由城墙、敌楼、关城、烽火台等多种建筑工事构成的完整的防御体系。公元前3世纪,秦王朝在统一中国后,为防御匈奴南侵,将战国时期燕、赵、秦等诸侯国修筑的长城连成一体并加固延长,修筑了西起临洮(今甘肃岷县)东至辽东(今辽宁省)、蜿蜒一万余里的长城。此后,两汉、北朝、隋等各代都曾在与北方游牧民族接壤的地带修筑长城。明朝是最后一个大修长城的朝代,自洪武至万历年间,先后修筑长城18次,今天人们看到的长城多是明长城。明长城西起嘉峪关,东至山海关,总长度为8851.8千米。长城是中国古代最伟大的军事防御工程,后世常用“长城”或“万里长城”比喻担负国家重任的人,长城还成为中华民族团结一心、众志成城、坚不可摧的一种文化象征。 The Great Wall, also known as the "10, 000-li (5, 000 kilometer) long Great Wall," was a complete defensive system consisting of walls, watchtowers, gated passes, and beacon towers. After unifying China in the 3rd century BC, the Qin Dynasty sought to ward off southward incursions of the northern nomadic tribes known as the Xiongnu by linking up and fortifying sections of the defense walls which had been built by the feudal states of Yan, Zhao, and Qin during the Warring States Period that had just ended. Extending about 10, 000 li, the Great Wall