In consternation Tess jumped down, and discovered the dreadful truth. The groan had proceeded from her father's poor horse Prince. The morning mail-cart, with its two noiseless wheels, speeding along these lanes like an arrow, as it always did, had driven into her slow and unlighted equipage 去书内

  • Muggle Muggle

    Tess's father was greedy, ignorant, and addicted to wine; Her mother was vulgar, shallow and unworldly, which made Tess bear the heavy burden of the family from the very beginning. Later, when Tess was helping her father to drive his carriage, the family's only horse died in an accident. Father let Tess to recognize the "family", under the pressure of want to compensate for their own dead horse, Tess can only be forced to put down self-esteem, which also directly led to her back by the aggression of Ray. So I think the origin of family is the source of the tragedy of Tess's life.

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