sun 去书内

  • 枫叶归途 枫叶归途

    简简单单的活着 ,阳光,沙滩

    2019-03-27 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 很多只小蚂蚁 很多只小蚂蚁

    Again a morning when the sun lifted himself molten and sparkling, naked over the sea’s rim. The house faced south-east, Juliet lay in her bed and watched him rise. It was as if she had never seen the sun rise before. She had never seen the naked sun stand up pure upon the sea-line, shaking the night off himself, like wetness. And he was full and naked. And she wanted to come to him.

    2017-09-28 喜欢(0) 回复(0)