我曾在以上两章中,从群己的关系上讨论到社会结构的格局。我也在那章里提出了若干概念,比如“差序格局”和“团体格局”。我知道这些生疏的名词会引起读者的麻烦,但是为了要表明一些在已有社会学词汇里所没有确当名词来指称的概念,我不能不写下这些新的标记。这些标记并没有使我完全满意,而且也有容易引起误会的地方。 去书内

  • 用户675091 用户675091

    What I have learned is that a large part of the differences between people are closely related to different social environments and different social needs. If you think deeply, it makes sense to see where many of the minor inflection points in human history come from. It also plays a big role in predicting human behavior, which is perhaps one of the great charms of social science.

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