and is supposed, from the advantage of education, employments and counsellors, to be more knowing in the measures of right and wrong 去书内

  • 用户625438 用户625438

    Dewey criticizes the traditional educational system, which he believes perpetuates social inequalities and fails to prepare students for active participation in a democratic society. He advocates for a new approach to education that is student-centered,experience-based, and focused on problem-solving. This new approach, known as progressivism, places importance on hands-on learning, critical thinking, and the development of social skills. Critique: While Dewey’s ideas have had a lasting impact on education, some readers may find his theories idealistic and challenging to implement in practice. His call for a student-centered education, for example, may require significant changes to existing educational structures and practices. Additionally, Dewey’s focus on the individual’s role in society could be seen as prioritizing personal development over the transmission of essential knowledge and skills.

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