Then I saw something bright round the child's neck. It was a gold chain, and on the end of it was a picture of a very beautiful woman. I knew that a beautiful woman would never smile at me, and I wanted to run into Geneva and kill as many people as I could. But I stopped myself, and went to look for another hiding place. Soon I found a hut, which seemed to be empty, but when I entered I saw a pretty young woman asleep on the floor. I hated her because she was pretty. So I put the gold chain into one of her pockets, and then, before she could wake up, I ran away. I knew the police would think that she had killed the little boy 去书内

  • 用户252633 用户252633

    Elizabeth screamed. Elizabeth screamed. Frankenstein went with the other people to search for the monster. Frankenstein went with the other people to search for the monster. The monster found Elizabeth alone in the room. The monster found Elizabeth alone in the room. The monster jumped into the lake. The monster jumped into the lake. The monster murdered Elizabeth. The monster murdered Elizabeth. C Activities C Activities 1 Imagine the conversation between Felix and his blind father after the monster's visit to their house. The old man did not want to run away, but Felix did. Write down their conversation. 1 Imagine the conversation between Felix and his blind father after the monster's visit to their house. The old man did not want to run away, but Felix did. Write down their conversation. 2 You are a newspaper reporter. Interview

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