As soon as he was gone, I recurr'd to my two friends; and because I would not give an unkind preference to either, I took half of what each had offered and I wanted of one, and half of the other; paid off the company's debts, and went on with the business in my own name, advertising that the partnership was dissolved. I think this was in or about the year 1729 去书内

  • 知欧粥 知欧粥

    this passage shows a clear and detailed account of the event that occurred after a certain person departure.The narrator decisoin to take half from each friend to address the situation is presentedd matter-of-factly,demonstrating a practical and fair approach. The mention of paying off the company debts and continuing the business in their own name showcases responsibily and determination.The final note about the dissolution of the partnership and the indication of the approximate year adds a sense of chronology and completness to the narrative.The language is straightforward and effecitive in communicating the sequence of events and the narrator actions.

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