She no longer thought him so agreeable. As the rich Miss King had left Meryton to stay with her uncle, Mr Wickham appeared eager to transfer his affections back to Elizabeth. His confidence in his own charm and ability to please annoyed Elizabeth very much, so that when she met him for the last time before the regiment's departure, she spoke quite coldly to him. In reply to a polite question of his about her Hunsford visit, she could not stop herself mentioning her frequent meetings with Mr Darcy, and her favourable opinion of that gentleman's character. Wickham looked a little embarrassed, and made no further attempt to charm Elizabeth. They separated at last with mutual politeness, and possibly a mutual desire never to meet again. 去书内

  • 盛娟惠 盛娟惠

    它以其精湛的笔法和独特的视角,深刻描绘了19世纪英国上层社会的种种荣耀与虚伪,以及人性与爱情的复杂多变。 作者不仅通过对社会阶层和人物性格的刻画,展现了当时社会的种种规范和约束,更通过主人公伊丽莎白·班内特和达西先生之间的爱情故事,反映了人性的真实与复杂。

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