2 Great Rivals
The battle between Holmes and Moriarty is regarded as the most spectacular part in the story,even in the whole series. They have almost the same intelligence, judgement and other abilities that can help one deal with cases which Scotland Yard fails to solve and the other build up an enormous empire of crime in Europe.
As we look at Holmes, we can find him trying to arrange everything himself as well as taking all the situations into consideration. He makes his brother Mycroft a coachman in order to avoid risks. Also he didn't go back to Baker Street, where was burnt that night. And he already knows the train will stop at Canterbury so there will be a delay at the boat. Therefore he changes his plan immideately. In my opinion, Holmes must have thought of the plan before he starts the journey, as a single step may have great effect on the whole plan.
Then we take a look at Moriarty. In Conan Doyle's works, we can hardly find some positive description about him. Most of his stories are told through talks between Holmes and Doctor Watson. As we look deeper, we can find him playing double roles in his life. On the one hand, he works as a professor with high reputation so that he may not be involved in some crime. Besides, due to his social Status, he can save his employees from being sentenced to prison. On the other hand, he is the Napoleon of his empire of crime. He can take the advantages of his intelligence in assaults and assassinations.