
Reaction to the book

He has been to the future, andhe has asked some strange questions. For example: peoplecan ride a machine to move up and down in space, why not ride a machine to move upand down in time? To solve thismystery, he spent two years building a time machine. Butfriends didn't seem to believe it,saying it was just an ordinarymachine until the machinedisappeared with "me."He traveled to the future in a time machine and was accidentally transported toEarth 800,000 years later. At this time, humans are divided into two categories:one is living in the sunless underground "human eaters",and the other is living in thesunny ground "human eaters".When the time traveler learnsthat his time machine has been stolen by the eaters, hetravels long distances to findthe machine and engages in abloody battle with the eaters.Finally, the time traveler isblack and blue, and at this critical moment, he pulls downthe machine's joystick and leaves this place of trouble!The protagonist in the author'snovel has a faith in his heart,he never gives up in the face ofdifficulties and does not flinch,yearning for a better life. Fromthe bottom of my heart, I havea strong admiration for the hero! With confidence, you maybe able to try and even succeedat something that others areafraid to do. It is the foundationof a person's success, So evenwhen we encounter difficultiesthat are difficult to overcome,we can not lose confidence,we must face it calmly, andbelieve that we can! Isn't thecurrent president of the UnitedStates a prime example? Whenit ran for president, there wasstill racial discrimination in theUnited States, but he, as a man,defeated a famous opponentwith his own, relying on superhuman talent, and finallystood out and was elected president, proving his' strength,so that others no longer daredto laugh at him! I believe that as long as youhave confidence, you can overcome all difficulties, thenyou have the conditions tobecome a strong!

