Benjamin Franklin can be said one of the most legendary figures in
America, an "encyclopedia" in history. As an outstanding
essayist, he began to write this book in about 1771. Now it is
considered the earliest biographical work in America. It is a record of
a man rising to wealth and fame from a state of poverty and obscurity,
an account of the colorful career of America's first self-made man. By
using simple, direct and concise words, Franklin described his puritan
thoughts, which can be reflected as 13 virtues he contrived. To some
extent these virtues are still enlightening today, such as temperance,
moderation, sincerity, humility, and so on. Arguably, Franklin is a
typical example of the so-called American Dream. His spirit of
self-reliance and liberation, his hope for future helped inspire
American people, as well as the later generations including us.