
Book report of The Little Prin


With a boom of The Little Prince,I started my journey of reading the book which impressed me with a beautiful sentence the first time I heard about it——Once upon a time there was a little prince who lived on a planet that was scarcely any bigger than himself.It’s hard to imagine how a person can live on a planet which was scarcely any bigger than himself,confusing yet amazing.Who is that little prince?How does he look like?How about the lovely planet he lives?Why did he come to Earth?What happened to him after his arriving on the Earth?With piles of questions mentioned above,I met the writer and the little prince a few days ago.

At the very beginning,I got to know something about the narrator,a pilot,and his story coupled with ideas concerning the boa constrictor as well as the adults.And then,the author experienced an air crash in the desert, occasionally encountering the little prince who insisted on asking the narrator to draw him a sheep.Here is where the story of the little prince begins,a man who is different from the grown-ups and loves the sunset very much coming towards me.As I further my reading,I learned more about the planet where the little prince came from,the volcanoes he had,the baobabs on his planet and his sorrowful story between his rose and himself.Because of the proud yet naïve rose,a special flower that was special to the little prince,unique on the planet as well,the little prince decided to leave his planet and travelled in the universe,leaving his flower and volcanoes on his planet.

Totally,he travelled to seven different planets,the names of which are somewhat difficult for me to remember,apart from Earth.Firstly in another little planet,he met a partly rational king,a man firmly believing“Accepted authority rests first of all on reason.”and knowing judging oneself”is the most difficult thing of all. It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom.”However, the old king ridiculously required the little prince to be his “Minster of Justice”,ignoring the fact that there was only an old rat coupled with two people including the king and the little prince.So,who can be judged by the minister? Having bid farewell to the king who had a magnificent air of authority,the little prince arrived in another little planet where there lived a conceited man. Just as the author said:”Conceited people never hear anything but praise.”,the odd man regarded everyone as his admirers and kept asking the little prince to convey his adoration.Next came the tippler,an alcoholic who wanted to forget that he was ashamed of drinking.The fourth person was a businessman,occupied his whole life with his addition and administration.The fifth person was a lamplighter who just blindly fulfilled his obligation that was to turn on and off the light.The sixth planet lived a geographer who knew a lot about geography in theory but didn’t explore anything on his own.The seventh planet was Earth,where the little prince met a huge snake,a flower,a fox,a railway switchman,a merchant and the narrator.

From my perspective,I guess that the people he met are some typical kinds of people in our life.It is no exaggeration to say that even some of them reflect our personalities which may be unreflecting,conceited and passive.When confronted with something that we don’t want to face with,some of us will try to escape from the facts, immersed in our own world.Some of us will accept whatever life throws at us but won’t try to change anything.And some of us may be the greatest talkers but least doers,just like the geographer who talks much in theory but never measures the world by himself.

What impresses me most is the moment when the little prince was going to leave,sorrowful and heartbroken.We all know that the moment will come in the right time,just as the old saying goes”All good things come to an end.”However,only when we are going to lose something can we realize that it is too late to cherish it.When the author knew that the little prince was going to leave,he insisted that he should not leave the prince.On the contrary,the little prince also persisted that the narrator should not come.They talked so much,recalling lots of things they ever talked about.I can’t help reading more and more,faster and faster.In the end,the little prince left,with the narrator’s dismay and miss.Just as our beloved ones are going to leave,the only thing we can do is to convey our best wishes and to miss them in our deep heart,hiding all the sorrow.

All in all,learning much from this book,I hope that everyone will love The Little Prince.


