After Reading
Through a love tragedy,Wuthering Heights showed people a picture of life in an abnormal society,and described a variety of scary events caused by contorted humanity.The whole story is built by four sections.
The first section narrated Heathcliff and Catherine's common childhood.An orphan and a manor owner's daughter fell in love in such a special enviroment,and their revolt about Hindley's cruelty.
The second section described that because of vanity and ignorance, Catherine betrayed Heathcliff,become the hostress of Thrushcross Grange.
The third section is mainly about how Heathcliff transformed his endless hatred to a revenge project.
Through the last section only told us the death of Heathcliff,but it also described Heathcliff's change of thought——when he knew that Hareton and Catherine fell in love,his humanity awakened.This made the miserable love tragedy seemed a little brighter.
So,the action of Heathcliff,his love,his trated,his revenge and his humanity's rebirth constituted the main line of the story.In the novel,author paid all her energy to describe such an image,she poured all her indignation,sympathy and love into Heathcliff.This poor orphan was separated from the warmth of society,and produced strong love and hate in the bottom of his heart.Hindley's whip taught him the cruelty of life,and also taught him that submit to humiliation and just surrender can not change his destiny of being insulted.So he chose to revolt.
Catherine used to be his loyal fellow,in the common revolt,sincere love sprouted between them.But finally she betrayed Heathcliff and married a person that she didn't understand and love at all——Edgar Linton.The main reason that caused this love tragedy is her vanity ,ignorance and fool.She buried her youth,love and life with her own hands,and also destroyed Heathcliff,the man who love her deeply from the beginning.The author described Catherine with sympathy and indignation,feel sorry about her unfortunate,and also angry about her corrupt.The author's view about her is just a complicated mixture,it's too hard to declare it clearly.
Catherine betray and her miserable life after marriage,is the biggest turning point in the whole book.It made Heathcliff transform his whole love to strong hatred.After Catherine's death,the hatred burst out just like a volcano,it became the biggest power that drove Heathcliff to revenge.At last,his purpose realized,he not only made Hindley and Edgar died painful,forcibly occupied those two manors,but also embittered their innocent descendant.Though this kind of crazy revenge seems against common sense,it completely expressed Heathcliff's unusual spirit of rebellion.The special rebel was decided by his special character and special soecity enviroment at that time. Heathcliff's love tragedy is the tragedy of soecity,also the tragedy of generation.
Heathcliff is a person,who changed his image from good to evil,then back to good again.His destiny revealed the huge power of enviroment.His character is real and can be felt,he is in miniature of tens of thousands poor zilches,and his tragedy is also the tragedies of a huge amount of poor small potatoes in a rich society.His fate is always warning us,that people and enviroment are depend on each other.When people and enviroment stand on the opposite side,people's personality will be changed, so as destiny.This is the true reason of his tragedy,and the practical significance of the novel.