用户719443The author suggests that we should conceive the occupations in the school as a comprehensive and integrated process that involves students' cognitive, emotional, physical, and social development. This process should not be limited to classroom teaching and exam-oriented learning, but should also include extracurricular activities, practical experiences, and other forms of learning. By providing students with a wide range of learning opportunities, schools can help them develop a wide range of skills and abilities, including thinking, communication, cooperation, leadership, and creativity.
邓清元First of all, there must be a relatively clear space for advancement in the workplace, so that you can know how to make the next choice at different stages; Secondly, this track should bring you certain gains, such as material (remuneration for work), knowledge (industry vision & professional knowledge), and spirit (self-achievement); In the end, the growth and ability you have gained in this track should be smoothly transferred to other industries or positions.
韦政These occupations in the school shall not be practical devices or modes of routine employment, the gaining of better technical skill as cooks, seamstresses, or carpenters, but active centers of scientific insight into natural materials and processes, points of departure whence children shall be led out into a realization of the historic development of man.