• 导读
  • 本书充分表现了西方高等教育中所遵循的精神原则和操作方法,对于正在进行重要变革的中国高等教育的理论和实践应该具有实际的借鉴作用,为高等教育思想史上的具有划时代意义的著作。另外,书中倡导的以古典人文学科教育为主要内容和以注重理性开发为主要内涵的自由教育理想,在当时及其以后都对世界教育的发展产生了广泛而深远的影响。

    Regarded as the most important book on education ever written, The Idea of a University is a living classic that defines for groping, late-20th Century souls what it truly means to be educated.

    The issues that John Henry Newman raised--the place of religion and moral values in the university setting, the competing claims of liberal and professional education, the character of the academic community, the cultural role of literature, the relation of religion and science--have provoked discussion from Newman's time to our own.

  • 内容简介
  • 本书是西方高等教育史上较早系统、综合、全面地论述大学教育的基本理论问题的名著。作者对自由教育做出了新的界定,对自由教育与专业教育的关系进行了详细的探讨,阐述了自由教育的本质和作用,说明了大学教育的实质、任务和理想。书中倡导的以古典人文学科教育为主要内容和以注重理性开发为主要内涵的自由教育理想,在当时及其以后都对世界教育的发展产生了广泛而深远的影响。

    "The aim of the University is a true enlargement of mind... the power of viewing many things at once."

    Though a century and a half has passed since John Henry Newman delivered the lectures which provide the basis for The Idea of a University, the prescription he served up is more relevant today than during the Victorian era.

    Newman wrote and delivered these addresses upon becoming the first rector of the newly founded Catholic University of Ireland in Dublin. His vision shaped that school, and helped inform the modern understanding of what a university education should encompass.

  • 作者简介
  • 约翰·亨利·纽曼是19世纪英国著名神学家、教育家、文学家和语言学家,是自由教育的倡导者。他出生于1801年2月21日,在一个温和的新教圣公会家庭中长大。1817年6月他进入牛津大学三一学院,1820年取得学士学位,并在两年后成为牛津大学奥列尔学院的特别研究员,这种待遇在当时的大学里是很不寻常的。纽曼在1824年被授予英国国教会的圣职,4年后他成为牛津太学教会圣玛丽教区的牧师,任职至1843年。在此期间他出版了10卷布道集。他学问渊博,且勇敢讨论许多有关宗教信仰等问题,深入探讨信仰本质及教义的发展。他可以深刻讨论理性、情感、想像力与信仰的关系,虽然他知道人的智力是有极限但他仍勇敢地为理智辩护。年青时他已是英国教会牛津运动的重要人物,带领被新教同化了的英国教会重拾大公教会的源头与核心价值,重整短暂失落了的礼仪、体制、神学和圣乐。他对于罗马天主教的影响相当大,尤其在第二次梵蒂冈会议纽曼的思想深具影响力,所以又有人称梵蒂冈第二次会议为纽曼大会。

    Blessed John Henry Newman CO (21 February 1801–11 August 1890), also referred to as Cardinal Newman, was an important figure in the religious history of England in the 19th century. He was known nationally by the mid-1830s.

    Originally an evangelical Oxford academic and priest in the Church of England, Newman was a leader in the Oxford Movement. This influential grouping of Anglicans wished to return the Church of England to many Catholic beliefs and forms of worship traditional in the medieval times to restore ritual expression. In 1845 Newman left the Church of England and was received into the Catholic Church. In 1879, he was created cardinal by Pope Leo XIII in recognition of his services to the cause of religion in England. Hitherto, in modern times, no simple priest, without duties in the Roman Curia, had been raised to the Sacred College. Newman’s elevation was hailed by the English nation and by Catholics everywhere with unexampled enthusiasm. It broke down the wall of partition between the See of Rome and England. He was instrumental in the founding of the Catholic University of Ireland, which evolved into University College, Dublin, today the largest university in Ireland.

  • 目录
    • Preface (Part 1 University Teaching)
    • Discourse 1 Introductory
    • Discourse 2 Theology a Branch of Knowledge
    • Discourse 3 Bearing of Theology on other Branches of Knowledge
    • Discourse 4 Bearing of Other Branches of Knowledge on Theology
    • Discourse 5 Knowledge its Own End
    • Discourse 6 Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Learning
    • Discourse 7 Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Professional Skill
    • Discourse 8 Knowledge Viewed in relation to Religion
    • Discourse 9 Duties of the Church towards Knowledge
    • 1 Christianity and Letters (Part 2 University Subjects)
    • 2 Literature
    • 3 English Catholic Literature
    • 4 Elementary Studies
    • 5 A Form of Infidelity of the Day
    • 6 University Preaching
    • 7 Christianity and Physical Science
    • 8 Christianity and Scientific Investigation
    • 9 Discipline of Mind
    • 10 Christianity and Medial Science
    • 书评 写书评 更多>>
    • 笔记 更多>>
      • 梁刚豪 梁刚豪

        “Ce n’est pas,” he says, “qu’il y ait aucune véritable...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

        These sentences are hard to translate into English or Chinese, they reserve its exclusive charm in Latin. They can be realized that there is no real opposition between the academy and the University, and it's just a different point of view.

        2016-04-09 喜欢(2) 回复(0)

      • 史春霓 史春霓

        “Nor can it justly be said that in thus acting she sacrifices...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

        We must realize and acknowledge that the fundamental objective is education,and if we impose the requirement of researching onto universities,as the common sense we all kown,you can hardly do two things perfectly at the same time,the university will have to distract from the its original education,as what Newman had said"perverts a University to ends not its own"

        2016-01-09 喜欢(1) 回复(0)

      • GGBond123 GGBond123

        “Nor does Italy present a more encouraging picture. Ariosto,...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


        2024-12-23 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

      • GGBond123 GGBond123

        “First, then, it is to be considered that, whether we look to...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


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      • GGBond123 GGBond123

        “We must take things as they are, if we take them at all. We...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


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      • GGBond123 GGBond123

        “A Literature, when it is formed, is a national and historical...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


        2024-12-23 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

      • GGBond123 GGBond123

        “And in strict conformity with these obvious distinctions, it...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

        严格遵循这些明显的区别,我们会发现,只要我们能够将持有反天主教观点的科学家简化为我所指的那种虚构的书呆子,我们确实会在学校里使用他们。我们允许我们的天主教学生在他们的正式论文中使用它们,只要他能让他们感到惊讶(如果我可以使用这个表达的话),并且可以把他们关在那里。 六是要让所有人都穿上西装,大声喧哗,疯狂占领。

        2024-12-23 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

      • GGBond123 GGBond123

        “ruinously” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


        2024-06-21 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

      • GGBond123 GGBond123

        “deductions” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


        2024-06-21 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

      • 蘸止 蘸止

        “youths, who can spare the time, continue their studies till...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


        2024-06-05 喜欢(0) 回复(0)
