Chapter 6: Oliver Meets Fagin
The Dodger takes Oliver to Fagin's den, a squalid hideout filled with
a group of ragged boys. Fagin, a wily and conniving ……展开↓
Chapter 7: Oliver's First Lesson
Fagin starts to train Oliver in the art of pickpocketing. He shows
Oliver how to steal handkerchiefs, using mock-ups ……展开↓
Chapter 8: Oliver is Sent on an Errand
Fagin decides it's time to test Oliver in the real world. He sends
him out with the Dodger and Charley Bates to ……展开↓
Chapter 9: Oliver's Escape and the Gentleman
After running away, Oliver is chased by the police, who mistake him
for the thief. He collapses in front of……展开↓
Chapter 10: Oliver at Mr. Brownlow's
At Mr. Brownlow's house, Oliver is nursed back to health. He
experiences kindness, comfort, and a proper education ……展开↓
Chapter 11: Oliver's Progress at Mr. Brownlow's
Oliver thrives in the kind environment of Mr. Brownlow's home. He
spends his days reading, learning, and……展开↓
Chapter 12: Oliver's Capture by Nancy and Bill Sikes
On his way to run the errand, Oliver is unexpectedly snatched up by
Nancy, a woman associated with ……展开↓